Come discover the Siccagno Tomato, typical product of the Sicilian hinterland, a treasure chest of Mediterranean flavours.

The tomato is one of the staples of the Mediterranean diet: it is well known for its healing properties and is widely accepted as an enemy of old age and of free radicals in our system.

It is a fundamentally important food that is low in calories and high in lycopene, a precious antioxidant, essential for a healthy life. At Villa Dafne, the Azienda Agricola Mascarella cultivates only the Siccagno tomato: it originates in the heart of Sicily, in the territory of Alia and Valledolmo, and was once used only for home consumption. The Siccagno tomato is a spring and summer crop: the plants spend the first part of their growing period in the nursery, and are then transplanted in the field and placed under a non-irrigated regime. It is this aspect that gave rise to the name “Siccagno.”


The low product yields – (90 quintals/hectare against 600 quintals/hectare for tomatoes in an irrigated regime) – are compensated by the extraordinary taste of this tomato, which as soon as it has been picked by hand is transported to the laboratory to be processed fresh. Here it is washed, ground and strained, and is then cooked for about an hour with the addition of olive oil, onion and basil, according to an old family recipe. When cooking is complete, it is bottled and pasteurized.

Villa Dafne promotes Sicilian tomatoes and the Siccagno tomato in particular, for the outstanding organoleptic qualities that make it unique. What is the organic home-made tomato sauce par excellence? Tomatoes and basil made with 100% Siccagno tomatoes from Valledolmo.